HTML Tutorial

HTML Introduction

What is HTML?

  • HTML - HyperText Markup Language.
  • HTML is the combination of HyperText and Markup Language.
  • HTML is not a programing language, it is a Markup Language.
  • HTML is widely used language on the website.
  • HTML describes the structure of a Web page.
  • HTML is Basically used for creating web pages and web applications.
  • With the Help of HTML we can create only static web pages.
  • HTML Markup Language was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991.
  • it is used to define page a layout. Means it it used to create structure.
  • The extension is ".html"or ".xml".

Features of HTML

  • It is a Markup Language.
  • It is a very easy and simple language.
  • HTML is plateform-independent.
  • it is a case-insensitive language.
  • image,video and Audio can added to a web page.
  • It's allow to you create Hyperlinks.
  • Dynamic Web content: HTML can be combined with other web technologies, such as CSS and JavaScript.
  • It's provides a structure for web pages.
  • It is interpreted language.
  • it is a text-based language, which means that it uses plain text to create web pages.
  • it is versioned, meaning that different versions of the language are used for different purposes.
  • it is a semantic markup language.