HTML favicons

HTML favicons

  • A favicon is a small icon or image that is associated with a website and appears in the browser tab or bookmark bar.
  • The favicon is typically a 16x16 pixel image, although it can be larger or smaller depending on the browser and device.
  • The "<link>" tag is used to add a favicon to your HTML document. The tag should be placed in the "<head>" section of your HTML code.
  • The "<rel>" attribute of the "<link>" tag should be set to "icon" to indicate that this is a favicon.
  • The "<href>" attribute specifies the URL of the favicon image file.
  • You can also include multiple favicon files with different "sizes" and formats to ensure compatibility across different devices and browsers. Use the sizes attribute to specify the dimensions of the favicon, and the "<type>" attribute to specify the file format.
  • Favicon files should be saved in the ICO or PNG format, with a transparent background.
  • It's important to ensure that the favicon file is accessible and properly sized to avoid performance issues or display problems on different devices.
  • Some website builders or content management systems may provide a built-in tool to add a favicon. Otherwise, you can create your own favicon and add it to your HTML code manually.

HTML Code: